2/30 – April 2, 2015 – Meteorite

the hardest thing i’ve ever done was to be assumed more than I am, back against in a black space, too blazoned and distanced for empathy from hungry gazers who upon first sight think they’ve found the treasure of their fate, until they get close enough to realize their wonderment has been wasted on a  solid piece of debris with the unfortunate misfortune of resembling a sign from God. the dust of calamity on fire for the viewer’s pleasure. rumored to grant wishes for the listless lovelorn masses of the human existence who’ve relied on dependency to feel anything intense it’s oblique and obvious that in lieu of actually trying to change their lives they look for me in night skies and expect an unexpected unearned interaction with a fraction of a destroyed thing, fleeing from the very situation that destroyed it. having no regard for my path or purpose until i hit the earth’s surface. grouped with all the other accumulated masses. forced to change my name just for being here. analyzed and categorized with scientific method. and upon close examination, so much less than what they expected.

but boy did I fly.



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